Restore Fair Park, created by former journalist Myra Moore, focuses on the story of the Dallas, Texas, 277-acre city park and site of the annual State Fair of Texas. A long-time Dallas resident, Moore has photographed the buildings built in the park for the 1936 Texas Centennial Exposition, as well as researched the 137-year history of one of the city’s most important civic and cultural touchstones.

The writings here are excerpts from Moore’s essays that reflect upon the park’s history and ongoing efforts to restore the fading art, famed Art Deco architecture and past vitality in this National Historical Landmark.

Writer’s note: Larry Powell, a park restoration advocate and a longtime editor/writer in Dallas/Fort Worth, helped with editing and insights in creating this project on behalf of all fans of Fair Park, the State Fair of Texas, the museums and the municipal pride the park represents.